Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crazy Night

Yesterday was pretty exciting.
Woke up, got ready.
Drove to LongBeach and picked up Jamie
We then proceeded to make our way to BigBear, while dealing with the unbearable heat.
2 hours later, we were surrounded by beautiful wilderness.
It was a beautiful cloudy day.
The rest of the day was spent visiting old and walking around the quiet little mountain town that we called home for nearly 4 years.
As night fell, the evening turned into a night of debauchery and midnight talks.
Was a very eventful trip, at the moment, me and Jamie are sitting in an auto repair lobby, as I need to get my brakes replaced.
I'm always baffled by how much it costs to maintain a vehicle.
But such is life.
I am considering doing an auto class, as it probably would save me a great sum of money if I could repair my car on my own.

I am listening to these red necks talk, and its quite entertaining.
Not in a demeaning sort of way, but more of I admire their simplicity.

I just got my quote, its going to cost me around $290
Thats without them fixing whatever is causing my check-engine light to activate.
Cant let myself get caught up in expenses though.

Anyways, today should be fun
When my car is finished, I think me and Jamie are gonna head back to LA.
It was nice to see our old friends here, but it was only nice to a certain degree.
I enjoy my solitude.
Being around people for this long has actually proven to be quite an enjoyable challenge.

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